Thursday, October 2, 2008

Christmas Combined Activity

Tell the youth ahead of time that you are going to put together treat plates to take to some members of the ward while Christmas caroling. However, you will arrange with the “treat recipients” to give some excuse why they don't want the youth there. Try to find people who can do this believably. They could say things like, "Sorry, not now… I'm really busy!" or “My kids are trying to sleep!” or “I really don’t have time for this” and then shut the door before the youth have a chance to respond.

Then go to another house where the youth will be expecting to have hot chocolate but when you get there you’ve arranged that they aren't home. The youth may be feeling very discouraged at this point, but before they have a chance to actually walk away you will open the garage (maybe arrange to get their garage door opener) and it is set up like a stable with a manger filled with hay.

Talk with the youth about how this is similar to where Mary and Joseph had to go when they were turned away everywhere else, and they were in much more dire circumstances. Teach whatever lesson you would like to about the first Christmas. Have hot chocolate and eat the treats you were supposed to pass out.

submitted by Gerberta Black

Have a great day!

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